Wall Mosaic: Roman Women Sports and Exercise

Wall Mosaic: Roman Women Sports and Exercise

Wall Painting of Roman Women Playing Sports and Exercising

Wall Painting of Roman Women Playing Sports and Exercising

license: public domain
source: Wikimedia Commons
author: Kenton Greening

A wall mosaic depicts ten women in garb comparable to bikinis. One is holding dumbbells, three are playing a ball game, two are passing another ball, and three are holding a small array of plant life and wreaths. The image of the tenth woman is cut off above the knees.


Artifact: 4th–5th century AD

Photo: July 2013


This mosaic was discovered in an excavation of the Villa Romana del Casale in Sicily. It depicts ten scantily clad women, six of whom are participating in sports and/or exercise in some form. This serves as evidence that Roman women participated in sports and exercise to some degree.

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Scanlon, T. F. (2014). Sport in the Greek and Roman worlds. Vol 1. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

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