Illustration: 18th Century Boxing Match

Illustration: 18th Century Boxing Match

1753 Illustration of British Boxing Match

1753 Illustration of British Boxing Match

license: public domain
source: Wikimedia Commons
author: unknown

An illustration in a British newspaper depicts two fighters in a boxing match. They stand on an elevated platform, around which a small crowd packs in to watch. Print above the illustration reads as follows:

The Bruiser Bruisd; Or, the Knowing Ones Taken-in.


Illustration: 1753


This illustration depicts a boxing match in 18th century England. After the fall of the Roman Empire, boxing appears to have not practiced for centuries. Only in 17th century England did the sport start to gain popularity again, reviving a practice several millennia old.

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Rodriguez, R. G., & Kimball, G. (2009). The regulation of boxing: A history and comparative analysis of policies among American states. Jefferson, NC: McFarland.

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