Mask: Native American Cornhusk

Mask: Native American Cornhusk

Native American Cornhusk Mask

Native American Cornhusk Mask

license: public domain
source: Wikimedia Commons
author: FA2010

A photograph shows a Native American mask made of cornhusks. The mask’s structure consists of weaved corn husks with openings for the eyes and mouth. Frayed husks halo the face, reminiscent of a lion’s mane.


Artifact: unknown

Photo: February 2009


This cornhusk mask would have been used for ceremonial purposes in Iroquois tribes. Native American medicine men and women would sometimes use masks such as this one to ward away evil spirits as part of medical treatment.

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Cohen, K. (2006). Honoring the medicine: The essential guide to Native American healing. New York: Ballantine Books.

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